
New Comer Settlements

Our New Comer Settlement Program provides information and assistance to new immigrants to Canada on what to do to be established in Canada.


Youth Services

Our Youth Services Program provides assistance to youths on areas such as Going to school, self-awareness and how not to be victims of or perpetrators of crime.


Women Empowerment

Our Women Empowerment Program is designed to assist Single Women and Widows, providing all necessary assistance to ensure they remain on their feet.


Mental Health

Our Mental Health Program is designed to help drug and other substance related addicts, providing them with mentorship and guidance/counseling sessions so they can quit addictions and substance abuse.


Food Bank

This is our way of giving back to the society in general. We arrange a day when food is provided to the general public!


Cloth Bank

Another way we give back to the society and especially immigrants and less privileged. We provide winter and summer clothings to all in the aforementioned category.


Children Summer Camp

This program is designed for children I.C.T. skills especially during holidays.


Seniors at Heart

This is our way of making the elderly and senior citizens feel loved. We get in touch with senior citizens (65 years and older) in our various societies and look for practical ways to take care of them.


Homeless Support Program

This program is designed to help citizens and others who do not have homes. We provide whatever support within our capacity.


I.T. School

This is a Technology awareness program (End User Level 3 and 4)designed for children and young adults who are within school grades 9 to 12.


Canadian Local Motivation

This is a special mentorship program designed to help Men, Women and Youths to identify their potentials and calling and hone them.


Cultural Activities

Our special program to remind mostly immigrants of their culture and promote such, thus promoting oneness within diverse cultural groups and promoting love.